Friday, December 15, 2006

Building Websites with Adsense

Building web pages with good content are an important part of making money with AdSense.

There are two ways that you can get started using Adsense.

The first and easiest way is to put AdSense ads on existing pages that you already have in place. You can do this by following the steps inside your AdSense account under the

“AdSense Setup” tab.

With this method you can start earning money with AdSense fairly quickly. In fact you’ll be amazed at the results you will be able to achieve in a very short period of time.

The second method will take a little more time.

You will be building web pages specifically for AdSense ads. These pages will be built with high paying keywords and high quality content.

Start by doing a keyword search to find some popular subjects, keywords or phrases related to the theme of your website. Select the ones that have the highest number of searches. This means that more people are typing these terms into the search engines. The

higher the number the better.

There are many tools that you can use to find profitable keywords and phrases. For quick and easy results I like to use the keyword selector tool at Yahoo Search Marketing: It will give you a count of how many times any keyword has been searched for in the last 30 days. Remember the higher the better!

Now start writing articles with original content based on the keywords from your search. If you aren’t a writer don’t worry. There are many ways that you can get content for your site. You can use private label articles that you purchase or hire a ghost writer from a place like:


Once you have the content ready you can start building web pages around the articles that include your AdSense blocks.

Best Wishes,

Ben Shaffer

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Getting to Know Google Adsense

Just in case you are new to Adsense we will briefly go over some of
it's finer points. AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads
that are precisely targeted to your site content. Every time
someone sees an ad on your site and clicks on it you will make
money. Sometimes it's only a few cents. Sometimes it's a few
dollars. It all depends on how well you learn to use Adsense on
your site.

AdSense is considered a very powerful tool to many website
owners.If you go to most any website these days you will see
AdSense ad blocks incorporated somewhere on the page. Did you
know that there are many people that make a full time living from
AdSense alone?

AdSense makes it pretty easy for you to start earning revenue from
every page on your website almost instantly. "If you can
copy and paste you can put AdSense on your website". As with any
good tool Adsense has the power to help you generate a very nice
income when it's used properly.

Let's start off by taking the time to get to know Google Adsense
and learn how to use it properly. You would be surprised how
many people skip this part and then they are literally shocked
when they don't make any money!

If you take a little time to become familiar with the program
it will greatly benefit you in the long run, by helping you
maximize your earnings. In this course we are going to cover
the basic points that you need to start using AdSense and
making money with it.

Let's get a little head start with some homework.....

If you haven't already done this, go do it now.

Go apply for your AdSense account. Yes you have to apply and
be accepted. Don't worry it's not hard, it only takes a few
minutes and it's worth it!

Then take some time exploring the site. Google wants you
to be successful in your AdSense endeavors, so they have
made it as easy as possible for you by putting up several
tutorials to help you get started.

They will teach you all about AdSense for content and search.
They have great case studies, optimization tips, a blog and a
forum where you can learn what works, what doesn't and get help
if you need it. They provide all of this for free so why not
take advantage of it.

Now that doesn't mean you don't need this course. I have
a few tips and tricks for you that Google won't teach you.

Friday, December 01, 2006

power scripts : Creat different Niche Websites

Grab this HUGE "Power Scripts" Package And Start to Make A Fast Profit With A High Demand Products
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Without Spending A Fortune Hiring A Specialist To Do It...

Dear Friend,
People say that the internet is a true gold mind, and this package will show you this is a very true statement :-)
Here is the deal;You will get a Web Site just Like This And Over 100 Powerful CGI Scripts which ANY webmaster would be a fool to pass up on.
A few Ways To Make Money With This huge Package of Scripts:
Create your own websites and operate them with these scripts.
You can sell this entire Package over and over and keep all the money.
You can sell the scripts individually.
You can split the scripts into different related groups to create and sell special interest script packages
You can start your own private membership site and charge customers a monthly fee for access to the scripts.
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All the scripts below with master resell rights for only:

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